Monday, July 9, 2007

Magic Little Pill

There's a new pill called varenicline that can help prevent smokers from relapsing and smoking again. Now, scientists claim it can help alcoholics quit drinking, too. Supposedly, this pill can curtail your urge to smoke, to drink, to do drugs, and to gamble, too.

Fuck, if ever there was a drug that made you wish for death, varenicline sounds like the one.

I can hear the ads now: "Are you tired of having fun? Are all your rowdy friends bringing too much joy into your life? Does that thrill of doubling down on an 11 make you too excited? Are you sick of tripping the light fantastic? Now there's's called varenicline...for those who simply wish to take all the fun out of life."

Shut up and drink already and pass the fucking cards! Geez!

1 comment:

WadeH said...

I bet varenicline is funded in part by Haliburton.