Monday, July 30, 2007

Drug Tests and Corporal Punishment

I bet you didn't know this one: they don't administer drug tests to teachers...ever. Not during the hiring process nor any random time during the year. I think it's high time that that changed, you know? Seriously, these are people shaping the future and we're allowing to live an unmitigated private life? Come on!

Doctor: Mr. McDonough, you test came back clean. I've got a couple of questions, though.

Me: Sure thing.

Doctor: What's your profession, again?

Me: I'm a teacher?

Doctor: Okay, I though so. My second question is, why aren't you taking your drugs?

I mean, if you're teaching and NOT on drugs, you need to see a doctor immediately for a prescription to SOMETHING. Those folks who do it and simply love it scare the SHIT out of me.

I think the reason I'm so on edge is because it's too late to turn back and do something else. It's either this, or I can continue living in my parent's basement for the rest of my life. My only fear, though, is that they bring back corporal punishment (not my parents but the school board). I don't want to spank anybody. Not because I don't think they deserve it, but in this day and age, you never know if they're going to like it, too. It be just my luck to have to administer something like that to a future bondage fanatic who starts screaming for joy with every brutal shot. "Yay! Yay! More!"

How do you explain that to a Board of Education?

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