Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pro Athletes

I can't figure out people's fascination with pro athletes. I've been to several Braves games, and it's amazing to watch people nut themselves over the fact that someone can hit a small, circular object a long way. Don't people realize that these people have been doing this non-stop for 20 years and that they're getting paid billions to do it?

I mean, seriously, I'd get a bigger kick out of sports if every ninth batter was someone selected from the stands. "Now batting, Delores Goodwine of Norcross, Georgia...Skip, Delores is apparently a lefty and comes in at five foot even, 167, and was born in 1938. She plays softball with her church league on Sundays and has a good, strong arm for a 69 year old".

If they gave her a shot of steroids like they do for Barry Bonds, she might get it out to the left-center gap.

What's worse is the way women swoon over these guys, too. There's hardly a good looking guy among them, but they just love those young guys (he's got a good butt...well, shit, they all do because they do nothing but work out and wear tight pants). Maybe I should wear knee-high socks and tight pants to school, too, and I'd have more luck with the ladies.


Apparently, Ted Kennedy was behind the Immigration legislation that was booed down by the American public (what a novelty...people complained, and people in Washington scary).

This isn't good news for immigrants. If Kennedy hasn't changed much, I'm sure there was some rider in that legislation that involved a car ride across a bridge with him behind the wheel and a fifth of scotch. I hope they smuggled oxygen across the border...yikes.

Kids and Test Scores...A Solution

We have these big tests at the end of the year in education, tests that are supposed to tell us if our kids are smart and if we've been doing our job throughout the year. Never mind the fact that there are few, if any, middle school aged kids who are in their right mind long enough to learn anything, but these tests are, apparently, the indicator of our efforts.

Lately, kids have been doing poorly on their tests. Latest polls show that the majority of American elementary school students can't locate Mexico on a map. Perhaps this is because Mexico is in the United States now, and these poor whipper-snappers are all confused or some shit. I know I am, most of the time. Where the hell is Canada? Why should I CARE?

Anyway, I think I have a solution. All these tests are taken on multiple choice forms, what we commonly call "Scan-trons," the lost brotherhood of Transformers that disappeared millions of years ago but have been resurrected for testing purposes in the 21st century. We're telling these kids that they can't fill in the bubbles with anything less than a number 2 pencil...number 2? Hell, no wonder they suck at this test, they can't even use their #1 pencil! Would you start an NFL season by telling the coach to scrap his starting QB and pu in his #2 man? We're telling our kids to go to their backup pencil on the most important test of the year! Shit, man!